Casual Dining Pierre Durand
Casual dining Pierre Durand
Our students welcome you most heartily to the casual dining restaurant Pierre Durand. In England at the time of Napoleon (1810) Pierre Durand, a Frenchman who had “anglicised” his name, owned a patent on the process of conservation in glass and tin. Thanks to these conservation techniques the soldiers had and still have all kinds of dishes at their disposal. In his time Pierre Durand was known for being innovative and pioneering.
In the casual-dining restaurant the students are as innovative and pioneering as he was.
Casual dining – Pierre Durand is characterised by offering regularly changing concepts and small dishes, developed and thought out by our students. The restaurant has an open kitchen, and as a guest you can watch how your dishes are being prepared.
Experience a happy afternoon or evening in good company, while sharing the dishes together. At the table our students will explain the current concept and from which dishes you can choose.
A nice present: De Rooi Pannen Gift Card
This card is available from the teaching hotel. It can only be used in our restaurants Pierre Durand and Nicolas Appèrt

In the casual-dining restaurant Pierre Durand you can choose from € 5 and € 7 dishes. These are ideal for sharing.
Our students will explain the current concept and dishes.
Monday until Friday
11.00 – 20.00 hr.
No need to book (but it would be appreciated)
Fellenoordstraat 93
4811 TH Breda
076-500 18 80
[email protected]